Love can be tender
love can be kind
love can be peaceful
if your lucky to find.

Someone to love
with all of your heart
and will return this love
'til death do you part.

Love can be hurtful
love can be blind
love can break your heart
and play with your mind.

don't be too hasty
find a love that will last
that is full of sweet memories
take your time, not too fast.

Then you will be happy
for once you have found
this love you yearned for
makes your heart pound.

For love starts with friendship
then it turns into more
as you walk life's path
toward the Heavenly shore.

Love is like roses
of pure snowy white
with petals of silk
and the scent of delight.

So handle it gently
caress it with care
give love time to blossom
the scent fill the air.

Let the breezes blow slowly
and God's rain fill your cup
of understanding and kindness
and lift your soul up.

Then you are ready
for two to become one
in your hearts and your souls
blessed with Gods love.

Written by Judy N. Marquart

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Rose McKinley
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