Song "America" Elvis Presley


God of our Fathers Whose Almighty,
Hand has made and preserved our Nation,
Grant that all our people understand,
This great July Fourth Celebration.

Remembering how freedom was won,
The down payment made to make us free,
America's installments that bear,
The great price paid for our Liberty.

May freedom be seen not as the right,
But the opportunity to please,
To do what's right for our Liberty,
Which is under God's Hand to appease.

We Praise God for His Goodness to this,
Great Nation giving blessings beyond,
Asking Him keep America's heart,
In solid bond with Him to respond.

Let this Nation's Faith be ever strong,
Keeping an abiding Love for God,
Setting feet on paths of righteousness,
In peace ever humble being awed.

Yes We are a "Nation Under God,"
Thank Him for the torch of Faith and Trust,
So handed down by our Forefathers,
To not be extinguished for the just.

This Faith in God is our Heritage,
"Blessed is the Nation whose God is Lord,"
He alone gives freedom and power,
God is our Foundation our Reward.

America, let us never be,
Afraid to stand alone for the rights,
Of all since we were born to do so,
"A Nation Under God" days and nights.

As America honors You God,
We ask Your Blessing to keep her true,
You have kept her free and never more,
May she turn her back away from You.

God Bless America now Father,
With spiritual restoration,
Letting this Nation experience,
Your Love and Divine Revelation.

Sondra McPherson
19 June 2008


The top image has been released into the public domain by its author, Averette

Song "America" Elvis Presley


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