Look For The Angels

There are angels in the Heavens.
There are angels on the ground.
There are angels all around you,
Just waiting to be found

So when you are feeling lonely
Or just a little blue,
Open your eyes to see the angels.
They are there, waiting for you.

Don't forget about these angels
During all of your good times too,
For they like to share your happiness
And the joys, that come to you.

They wrap their wings around you,
To protect and guide you through
All the sad and tragic moments
That this life can throw at you.

They are sent to you from Heaven
From the Almighty Father above.
So remember to look for the angels.
They'll show you that God is love.

Dorothy Carol Kemp
(a.k.a.) "dotty23"


Graphic Art, Graphic Art Editing,
and Web Page By: Mark C. Phillips
Song: Bard Dance
By: Enya (from her self-titled album)

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