Plant 7 rows of Peas (P's):
    1. Prayer 2. Promptness 3. Patience 4. Preparation 5. Perseverance 6. Politeness 7. Purity
Plant 7 rows of Squash:
    1. Squash Gossip 2. Squash Indifference 3. Squash Criticism 4. Squash Negative Thinking 5. Squash Envy 6. Squash Jealousy 7. Squash Hatred
Plant 7 rows of lettuce (Let Us):
    1. Let us be unselfish and loyal. 2. Let us be faithful to duty. 3. Let us search the Scriptures. 4. Let us not be weary in well doing. 5. Let us be obedient in all things. 6. Let us be truthful. 7. Let us love one another.
No garden is complete without turnips (Turn-ups):
    1. Turn up with a Friendly Smile. 2. Turn up for Church. 3. Turn up for Bible Study. 4. Turn up for Prayer Meeting. 5. Turn up with Determination to Do Your Best in His Service. 6. Turn up to Praise God and not man. 7. Turn up to receive the Holy Spirit and not to Quench the Spirit.
 "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (II Peter 3:18)
Cultivate well -Keep Saturated with Love - Reap a Harvest of Peace, Joy, & Happiness ~Author Unknown~